Awesome IEP Accommodations and Modifications You Don’t Know You Could Be Asking For


This online webinar will teach students about the importance of Individual Education Plan accommodations. You’ll also learn about awesome accommodations your district might provide for your child if you ask!

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Your child has an Individualized Education Plan identifying that he or she has a disability. Every year you attend your child’s Annual Review meeting where lots of professionals sit around a table to discuss your child’s progress this school year. The conversation flows fast, and you, a dedicated parent, start to feel lost with the acronyms and initials that start peppering the conversation. You want to participate and be sure your child is getting what they need to be successful, but you just aren’t sure what to say, and if it matters…

This is a scenario so many parents of children with disabilities can relate to. IEP meetings are important, but how can the average parent learn enough about the process to participate as an equal member of the IEP team?

Awesome IEP Accommodations and Modifications You Don’t Know You Could Be Asking For is the first workshop in a series intended to teach parents about the special education process and the IEP document.

I’ve learned how the system works both as an licensed Special Education teacher, the owner of a successful tutoring practice and advocate for my clients, and as a parent of a child with special needs.

This is the first webinar where I’ll bring some of that knowledge to you.

We’ll talk about IEP accommdations – what are they, why they matter and what better ones might be out there. EVERY webinar will end with 30 minutes of question and answer time – so make sure you have your individual questions ready!

Join me on November 3rd from 2:00-4:00 pm so we can get started demystifying the world of special education!


I really want to take this workshop but I can’t make it on that Sunday afternoon.

Can’t make it at that time? No problem. The webinar will be delivered via a private facebook group you’ll have access to for one week. You can watch it at a time that works better for you.

I really want to participate in the question and answer portion, btu won’t be able to watch live. Is there any way to send my question in early?

Absolutely! Email me at [email protected] and I’ll include it in the Q&A.